Chatham Goodfellows Certificate Award Recipients

Director Tim Mifflin present a Certificate Award to Melanie
Huff – Hub Creative Group for Web Development for Chatham Goodfellows.

Lisa, Claire, Nate and Dan Peseski receives a Certificate Award
from Chatham Goodfellows Board Directors, Judy Bagley, Craig Williston and
President Tim Haskell for their commitment to Chatham Goodfellows Porchlight Campaign.

Andrea Taylor accepts a Certificate Award from Marv Merritt. Andrea is a long term dedicated volunteer for Street Sales.

Joe Nagle accept a Certificate Award from Marv Merritt. Joe is
a long term dedicate volunteer for Street Sales.

Jason and Marilee King receives Certificate Awards along with Awards for Sawyer, MacKenzie and Kennedy King for their dedication to Toy Packing. In the photograph l – R – Jason King, President Tim Haskell, Director Rose Peseski and Marilee King.

Dianne Watson receives a Certificate Award from President Tim
Haskell and Director Rose Peseski for her outstanding work with Toy packing.

Zachary Shaw and Chloe Shaw receives Certificate Awards from Chatham Goodfellows Directors Bonnie Regnier, Scott Williston and Kevin